Become a Subscriber

Become a Subscriber

Wondering how to become a Season Subscriber in 2025?

You can become a Subscriber by booking and paying for at least three (3) shows from the Season booklet. You are eligible for the Subscriber price, and the cost of your Subscription is determined by how many shows you select, with three (3) being the minimum. Subscribers have priority booking from Sunday 24 November 2024 until close of business Monday 16 December 2024 from which point all shows will be on general sale.
Subscribe with friends
If you wish to be seated with friends, please ensure all subscription forms are returned to the Box Office at the same time. Every effort is made to seat friends together subject to availability.

Expanding your Subscription
As a Subscriber you can expand your subscription throughout the year by purchasing tickets to any additional shows in the Season booklet at the Subscriber price (for your use as a Subscriber only). Please note that extra shows from other presenters may be added throughout the year. These are known as Hirers or Promoters. Subscribers are also eligible for the Subscriber discount price when listed on these performances. Simply enter the code on your Subscriber card to access discounts online, alternatively present your card at the Box Office, or phone us. 

When life gets busy and plans change, the benefit of being a Subscriber is that you may exchange your ticket(s) from one of the Season shows you have selected, to a different Season show in the 2025 booklet. This is subject to availability and providing THREE business days’ notice is given.

Hospitality Partners
Receive a 10% discount on your meal at The Pastoral Hotel Restaurant on presentation of your 2025 Subscriber card. Receive a 10% discount on your room rate at the Bluegum Dubbo Motel. Don’t forget to mention your Subscriber status at the time of booking to qualify. (Subject to availability). Present your 2025 Subscriber card at the DRTCC Foyer Bar to receive 10% off your drink purchase.

Booking your Subscription Package

Click HERE


Box Office, 155 Darling Street
Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm

Call 02 6801 4378 during Box Office hours.